Friday, July 27, 2007

Jump in visits/Augmentation des visiteurs

Back in the spring, during a conversation with Nancy McInnis, the new ATIO president, she suggested that I write an article in Informatio which might be of interest to ATIO members. Nancy avait suggéré que je décrive mes découvertes dans le domaine des blogues.

As I was just in the throes of discovering blogging, I said yes and the article was published on page 8 in the July copy (Volume 36, Number 2) of Informatio

Le lien ci-dessus devrait vous mener directement à mon article, qui a été publié dans les deux langues.

My blog statistics underwent a radical change: in the last three days, instead of the 2,3 or 4 hits and reads of one page or two, I have had page views of 7, 9, 15, 22, and 41 pages, lasting anywhere from 2 minutes to 41 minutes. Obviously, more people are learning about my blog and spending a longer time reading my posts.

Des lecteurs si assidus sont rares et je suis certain que cette activité va augmenter ma présence sur Internet.

I do not know at this time whether the meter can tell me what posts were more popular than others as there are 92 of them all together. I will look into this.

Une chose est certaine, si mes lecteurs (et correspondants) décident de s’exprimer dans la rubrique Comment, ils feront d’une pierre deux coups: ils m’aideront à augmenter ma notoriété sur Internet mais ils augmenteront la leur aussi bien. The readers of my blog who leave a comment would kill two birds with one stone: they will increase my “popularity” on the Web but they will also create links to themselves for other readers to follow. A win-win proposition.

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